Welcome to my new website! This site has been professionally designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly, so it looks great and is accessible no matter what type or size of device you are using.
As some of you may know, last Spring, I decided to continue my part-time law practice as a solo practitioner while continuing with my general counsel and underwriting duties with the litigation finance company LexShares, www.lexshares.com. I figured it was about time to put up a website to let folks who are not familiar with me know a little bit more about my practice, and professional interests. As for the latter, I hope to post a series of blogs in the near future (always time permitting) concerning a variety of legal issues of interest. Please check them out when you can.
I also hope to blog about issues involving litigation finance, and in particular its interaction with whistleblower cases and matters, on a separate website I built myself years ago before joining LexShares, www.whistleblowerfinance.com, once I update the site. I intend to link these posts to this site, so please check them out as well. In the meantime, feel free to navigate to that site; it will give you a good idea why I chose to keep my day jobs and not go into website development.
Finally, if you have any questions or troubles with this site, please feel free to reach out and let me know.
I look forward to having both of these cyber-homes as platforms for useful and constructive dialogue.
Best Regards, and Thank You!
3800 Buchtel Blvd., #101481
Denver, CO 80210
* In-Person Consultations By Appointment Only
©2024 Law Office of Kenneth M Harmon, LLC | All Rights Reserved
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